Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 CButtonImplement button control
 CButtonWindowImplements pictogram buttons
 CChartDCDevice context for chart window. Implement transformation of logic coordinates into window coordinates
 CChartWindowChart window implement XY plots
 CColorImplements definition and operations with color
 CDCDevice context. Abstraction layer to the device specific drawing code. Coordinates in drawing function are in window coordinate system that internaly translated into screen coordinate system
 CDecoratorBase class for window decorators. This concept allows sharing of drawing setting among more than one window -> SRAM memory usage optimization
 CDecorator3DRectDecorator primitive for 3D rectangle. Overriden members description see Decorator class documentation
 CDecoratorAxisAxis decorator primitive. It is shared between gauge and chart objects. Overriden members description see Decorator class documentation
 CDecoratorBoundaryLineDecorator primitive for boundary lines. Overriden members description see Decorator class documentation
 CDecoratorColorDecorator primitive that sets current color. Overriden members description see Decorator class documentation
 CDecoratorRectFillDecorator primitive for round rect filled area. Overriden members description see Decorator class documentation
 CDecoratorRectGradientFillDecorator primitive for round rect filled area. Overriden members description see Decorator class documentation
 CDecoratorRoundRectDecorator primitive for round rectangle. Overriden members description see Decorator class documentation
 CDefaultDecoratorsThis class initializes default apperance for window, buttons, edit box and other controls in AWind library. If you need your another look just deefine your own resources file
 CDialogBase class for dialog objects. See Dialogs example Provides basic window functionality
 CDialog1Example Dialog with one edit, one readonly field + button that activates another dialog
 CDialog2Example window with yellow background
 CDialogsDialogs main window
 CEnvironmentThis singltone class contains shared application resources like decorators
 CFakeSensorFake sensor. It is intended only to generate some data. Sensor value can be modified via Increase, Decrease member functions
 CGaugeGauge window class, that allows visualisaion of data in form of bar or radial pointer
 CGaugeBarBar gauge class
 CGaugeRadialPointerGauge radial pointer class
 CGaugesWindowMain window of gauges example. Routs events between child elements
 CIContentChangedEventReceiverInterface that provides content change notifications (like text is changed in text box) from child window to parent window. If you want receive notification in the parent window you need derive you window class from interface class and implement NotifyContentChanged member function
 CIDialogClosedEventReceiverInterface that provides dialog closed notifications (user closes dialog window, by pressing OK or cancel button). If you want receive notification this notification you need derive you dialog class from interface class and implement NotifyDialogClosed member function
 CITimerEventReceiverInterface that provides screen touch notifications. If you want receive this notification in the target or parent window you need derive you window class from interface class and implement NotifyTouch member function
 CITouchEventReceiverInterface that provides screen touch notifications. If you want receive this notification in the target or parent window you need derive you window class from interface class and implement NotifyTouch member function
 CKeyboardWindowImplements Keyboard window, that helps to enter text/number information into text fields
 CLabelImplement Label control
 CMainWindowBase class for main application window. Each application has to have one main window, which is root parent for all other application windows
 COscilloscopeOsciloscope main window
 CPumpControllerImplements pump control logic
 CSensorWindowWindow that visualizes data from sensor in from from text or chart with different time scala (See example Sensors monitor)
 CTabControlTabControl. Control element wich allows intersactive switch between chidl windows
 CTabManualTab for manual control of the pump
 CTabTemperatureTab with chart for temperature logging
 CTabVacuumTab that implements GUI to vacuum controller
 CTextBoxBase class for window with text content
 CTextBoxNumberText box for numbers
 CTextBoxTStringText box for string. It is templat class and can be used for differnt type of string (see bellow typedef's)
 CTimeSerieBufferBuffer for sensor data. It is used by chart control
 CViewModusWindowMain window that controls child window appearance (day/night/alarm) for windows like sensor window. See sensors monitor example. To save board memory this class shares decoration code for child windows
 CWindowBase class for all window objects. Provides basic window functionality
 CWindow1Example window with red background
 CWindow2Example window with yellow background
 CWindow3Example window with green background
 CWindowSelectorWindow selector main window. It works as kind of tab control and can be used more or less without modifications in the target application
 CWindowsManagerMain window manager. Implement core funcctionality of AWind library. It is tempate class that has to be parametrized with main window class